According to Wikipedia, the word "blinds" comes from the Arabic "jealousy".
In order to hide their beautiful wives from immodest prying eyes,
Arabs hung linen curtains on windows and doors, which rolled up into a roll when raised.
Such curtains can be seen in large numbers in ancient Arabic and Hindu drawings depicting love scenes with oriental flavor.
It is noteworthy that in ancient times there were not only internal systems of protection from the Sun, but also external ones. Well-known awnings can be found on the ancient plans of Arab cities long before they appeared in Europe.
Over time, blinds, like other window decor items to protect from the Sun, appear in European countries, first in the south (Spain, Italy, Greece), and then in the central regions of the continent.
It is believed that blinds came to Europe, primarily to Italian Venice, from Persia.
Venetian merchants instantly appreciated the undoubted benefits of this new type of curtain for them.
After all, profitable deals should be made away from prying eyes.
Yes, and these simple strips, which reliably covered the rays of the scorching Sun, allowed to take a break from business in the coolness.
In the late 1700s, from Venice, along with freed slaves, such blinds began to spread throughout European countries.
In France, the historical name for blinds is Les Persienes, which means "shutters".
From Europe, with the development of trade routes between continents, blinds come to America.
We can see Venetian blinds in the paintings of Philadelphia's Independence Hall during the signing of the US Declaration of Independence.
And this is Odessa, Deribasovskaya, Isakovich's apartment building. Even 100-150 years ago, awnings, Venetian blinds and other interior elements that protect from the summer heat were widely used in the center of our city. The city is southern, especially commercial. I won’t be surprised if there is information that it was through Odessa that blinds began to spread in Russia!
In historical periodicals, advertisements for the sale of blinds are quite common already at the end of the 19th century.
In New Orleans, in 1841, John Hampson invented a new blind control mechanism, which gained wide popularity in the country and in the world.
Familiar to us, aluminum metal blinds appeared relatively recently, in the 1940s.
With the development of trade and the emergence of industrial production, blinds have finally taken their place among the ordinary household items of our homes.
P.S. Additional materials.
Have you ever seen glass blinds?! Below is a clickable photo on a pdf file-prospect of the American company LudmanWindoTiteJalousies 1950! With detailed diagrams of the device, photos and prices. (13 MB)
Phones for consultation and calling the master (clickable):

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